Who Is a Candidate for a Body Lift?

Body lift surgery is a cosmetic treatment to rejuvenate the appearance of the torso, thighs, hips, and other areas of the body. It is often performed on individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight. You may be a candidate for a body lift if:

  • You are in good physical and emotional health.
  • You are unhappy about excess skin after losing weight or undergoing bariatric surgery.
  • You have chafing, rashes, or infections caused by overhanging skin. 
  • You are not overweight and are close to your ideal body weight. 
  • You have a positive outlook and realistic expectations.

Body Lift Overview

Average Cost

$8,500 and up

Procedure Time

2-8 Hours

Recovery Time

4-6 Weeks


Not Covered

If you have excess skin and fat over a large portion of your upper and lower body, you may be a good candidate for a body and thigh lift

What Are the Steps of the Body Lift Procedure?

A body lift in Houston is typically an outpatient procedure performed in our in-office operating room or an accredited surgical facility. This surgery is usually performed in three steps.

  • Anesthesia: The anesthesiologist will administer either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure your comfort and safety throughout treatment. Feel free to discuss the choice of anesthesia with Dr. Balinger during one of your pre-op consultation visits.
  • Incision: Depending on the type of body lift, your surgeon will create an incision at the appropriate area and use it to remove loose skin and reshape underlying tissue.
  • Closure: When all desired contouring is complete, your surgeon will close the incision using tapes, sutures, clips, or adhesives. The treatment area will then be bandaged to protect it.

Duration of surgery can vary from two to eight hours, depending on the specifics of the procedure. Immediately after the procedure, you will be placed in an observation room, where Dr. Balinger’s team monitors your vitals before you are allowed to go home for recovery. Some patients may be asked to stay for a night or two before they are discharged from the facility.

What Is Recovery Like After a Body Lift?

  • Length of recovery can vary, depending on the type of surgery and your unique healing ability. 
  • Dr. Balinger will ask you to move around as soon as you are able, to promote proper blood flow. 
  • You may experience bruising, swelling, and pain in the first few weeks. You will be given pain medication to help alleviate discomfort and antibiotics to help prevent infection. 
  • You can expect to resume normal activities in approximately four to six weeks. Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise are prohibited until you get the go-ahead from the doctor. 
  • Be sure to follow all post-op instructions for a faster recovery. Dr. Balinger’s office is available to answer your questions and provide the support you need throughout your recovery.

What Benefits Can You Expect From a Body Lift?

Body contouring surgery can help alleviate many cosmetic issues resulting from weight loss, aging, or pregnancy. Some key benefits of this cosmetic procedure are:

Dr. Christopher Balinger will outline specific benefits you may attain from your body lift. Keep in mind that different patients have unique needs, and individual results can vary from one person to another.

  • Expanded choice of clothing
  • Enhanced self-image and sense of confidence 
  • Rejuvenated and more youthful appearance 
  • Increased comfort while exercising or engaging in other physical activities 
  • Get rid of skin folds to reveal a firmer, toned, and smoother appearance that accentuates your weight loss success 
  • Address health issues such as rashes or infections by getting rid of excess, sagging skin 

Your Body Lift Consultation

Once Dr. Balinger creates a customized treatment plan for you, he will let you know how to prepare for the surgery. You will be asked to stop taking some medications and herbal supplements that can increase your risk of bleeding. Smoking is also prohibited in the weeks before surgery, as it can increase the risk of complications and impair healing. Dr. Balinger will let you know what to do on the night before surgery and what supplies you should have in place for a smooth recovery.

What are the different types of body lift surgery?

Dr. Balinger has a number of methods he can use to suit your requirements and treatment goals for a body lift in Houston.

Upper body lift

This type of body lift focuses on contouring the upper half of the body. Dr. Balinger may work on your arms, fat rolls, or breasts to achieve an enhanced appearance. The precise problem areas addressed can vary from person to person. For women, an upper body lift usually includes surgery to improve the appearance of sagging breasts.

Mid body lift

While working out can help you lose fat, it usually does not get rid of loose skin left behind after the fat is gone. For people who lack good skin elasticity, there is no other option for addressing this excess skin. A mid body lift is done to contour areas around the abdomen and lower back. It may be performed along with a lower body lift to address multiple aesthetic issues.

Lower body lift

This procedure is also known as a circumferential lift. It focuses on lower body areas such as the hips, thighs, and buttocks. While popular with patients, a lower body lift is one of the most expensive of the three types of body lift. In addition to getting rid of loose skin, this surgery also lifts the buttocks to create a more proportionate and attractive lower body appearance.

Dr. Christopher Balinger is uniquely positioned to recommend the best body lift procedure for you. He is happy to discuss the suitability of each approach during your consultation visit to our Houston, TX plastic surgery office.

Dr. Balinger: A master of the art of body lift surgery.

Christopher Balinger, MD, brings keen professionalism to the operating table. He offers a boutique level of service and goes out of his way to ensure you are comfortable, safe, and happy with your procedure outcomes. Dr. Balinger is a true artist in the field of plastic surgery, and has equipped his private, luxury clinic with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure superior outcomes, while minimizing the risk of side effects. Our team of highly qualified support staff are committed to your safety and wellbeing.

Beauty by Balinger | Christopher Balinger MD


Should I have a body lift?

Losing weight can help you achieve the attractive body you have always wanted. But in many cases, flaps of excess tissue on the arms, abdomen, back, and thighs distract from the positive improvement. These adverse changes can also be caused by aging or pregnancy. Body lift plastic surgery is designed to help individuals with sagging or stretched skin attain more youthful and attractive body contours. By removing excess skin and fat from problem areas, this procedure can reveal a smoother appearance, free of cellulite and other imperfections. Many people who undergo body lift feel more confident in their appearance.

Is a body lift a custom procedure?

When you visit Dr. Balinger for your first body lift consultation, he will listen to you and examine your legs before letting you know if you are a candidate for this surgical procedure. Body lift, or body contouring, is a highly individualized procedure. For this reason, Dr. Christopher recommends that you have this treatment out of your own choice, not because someone else wants you to.

How much does a body lift cost?

The cost of body contouring surgery can vary dramatically, depending on the extent of the procedure. Most of our patients can expect to pay as low as $8,500 for this treatment. Health insurers typically do not cover the cost of body lift surgery, as it is considered to be an elective cosmetic procedure. During your consultation visit with Dr. Balinger, we will provide a cost estimate based on a personalized treatment plan developed for you.

What is a body and thigh lift?

A body and thigh lift are a plastic surgery recommended for men and women who have extra fat and loose skin over most of the upper or lower body, including the thighs. The procedure is most often recommended for those who have lost a significant amount of weight.

How much does body and thigh lift cost?

The average cost of a body and thigh lift is $8,000 to $15,000. Your cost is based on the surgical plan developed during your personal consultation. We offer free initial consultations at our offices in Houston and Conroe, as well as financing options for our patients.

What are the benefits of a body and thigh lift?

The primary benefit of a body and thigh lift is to restore a toned appearance to the upper or lower body. A thigh lift may also be recommended for women who want to have a thigh gap but have excess fat on their inner thighs.

How is a body lift performed?

An upper and lower body lift in Houston requires extensive incisions, which are needed to pull the skin taut over the body and remove any excess. Dr. Balinger may use liposuction to remove smaller pockets of fat.

What is recovery like after a body and thigh lift?

Recovery after a body and thigh lift can be extensive, and some patients are required to stay overnight in the hospital for monitoring. During your consultation, Dr. Balinger will explain what to expect after your body and thigh lift, including recovery and aftercare. Please arrange to have a friend or family member stay with you for the first one to two weeks.

How long will body and thigh lift results last?

Managing your weight is paramount to maintaining results with a body and thigh lift. We recommend that you follow a healthy regimen of nutrition and exercise for at least one year before you have body and thigh lift surgery. Continuing with this type of lifestyle may help the results of your body and thigh lift last for many years. Aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations may have adverse effects on body and thigh lift results.

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